How to write content for humans

andrea saez
7 min readOct 18, 2022

A few months ago I was asked to join a conference to speak about how to write content that actually gets read. I will admit, I still don’t think anyone personally seeks out my content, but I do often try to make an attempt to make what I am writing somewhat interesting.

In a world where there’s content flying at us from EVERY SINGLE ANGLE (I bet you just stopped for yet another notification, right?) — it’s very difficult to retain people’s attention.

“Writing content for humans” isn’t just about writing content that will be hopefully glanced at amongst a series of other distractions — it is about building an audience.

So how do you actually achieve this?


  • Writing for SEO isn’t a thing.
  • Optimize your content with internal and external links.
  • Write with empathy, not for robots!
  • Do your research and get to know your audience.
  • Talk about your personal experiences — people want to connect.
  • Appreciate your copywriters, this shit is hard.

First things first.. SEO

Before we get to how to write content that will get read, it’s still worth discussing SEO a little bit.



andrea saez

Product Thinker 🤔 | Creative 🖋️ | Asker of many questions |